A Daily Nature Practice
The self-paced online program for healthcare professionals & caregivers who want to experience the restorative power of nearby nature

Learn how to connect with nature as a daily habit to feel relaxed, energized and joyful despite your busy schedule and limited time for self-care

Are you ready to:

  restore your energy & brighten your mood with brief nature breaks? 

  experience joyful calm during your busy schedule? 

  prioritize caring for yourself while you care for others?

Hey there!

I’m Shelagh Smith, HTR, MAEEC

Connecting with nearby nature gave me back my sense of self when my healthcare work and caregiving responsibilities felt overwhelming.
Even as a horticultural therapist, it was challenging to establish a daily nature practice for myself. Now I wouldn't be without it.

I’d love to help you create an enjoyable, evidence-based practice that works for you.

This adventure is especially for you if:

 you're a healthcare professional or a caregiver of people or planet

 you want to create a personalized daily nature practice that lights you up

  you're ready for a gentle, self-paced program to guide you step by step

Enjoy the program on your own time, in your own way with 3 options:  

'Breeze Through' with activities to grab and go. 

 'Get a Solid Grounding' in 12 hours over several weeks or months. 

 Or 'Dig Deep' into additional resources.


Why follow a program?

You could figure this out on your own with enough time and dedicated attention to reading the research and experimenting with nature connection activities. 

Why not save yourself time and energy? All the prep work is already done for you!

Follow my playful process to discover your very own restorative experiences of nature. You'll be motivated to do them again and again for ongoing respite and renewal.

As a person-centred horticultural therapist, I want to guide you to what works best for you, rather than trying to make your nature practice a copycat of mine. 

I also know -- from personal and professional experience -- the barriers that can get in the way.


Which of these has you feeling stuck in a corner?

Trying to fit self-care practices into your busy schedule with limited time and an overwhelming workload?

Feeling guilty or selfish for taking time for yourself?

Feeling wired and tired, with little energy or motivation for self-care? 

Getting started with enthusiasm only to fall back into old habits?

Not knowing how to connect with nature in the most restorative ways?

Now Imagine if You Could…

Jump beyond the simplistic advice to 'go for a walk' or 'spend time in nature'

Tap into a playfully creative online resource that inspires you to take small actions at your own pace

Learn from my years of personal experience and countless hours of scouring the research

Discover the most beneficial nature connection practices that work for you

Make your nature connection an integral part of who you are and what you do each day, so that restoration is available to you whenever you need it



You can do all of that!
I found my solution, and I'm SO excited to share with you
that I created...
A Daily Nature Practice

The self-paced online program for healthcare professionals & caregivers who want to experience the restorative power of nearby nature

Learn to connect with nature in daily life and customize your own nature-connection practice so you feel relaxed, energized and joyful despite your busy schedule and limited time for self-care

Georgina Hartman
Recreation Therapy Assistant, Sherwood Park, Alberta

"That was amazing! 

Thank you for slowing my mind and body.

To bring nature to the forefront of my life and remind me how to play again has made such a difference. Each day I see the world in a different way. 

Taking nature breaks energizes me. 

Thank you for sharing your expertise with us!"

Program Themes

Nature awareness

Sensory engagement

Nature Play

Joy & wonder


Enjoyable habits

Emma Rooney
Creativity Facilitator & Founder, Blooming Caravan, Toronto, Ontario

"Even though the primary focus of my work is helping people connect with nature, I was always too busy caring for the well-being of others to take a break on my lunch hour. Now I find myself eating outside, going for a quick walk, or stopping to pick flowers. 

I realize that I have more to give by giving myself permission to take a break and look around. I don't have to go far to feel reconnected to nature and part of something greater than myself."

Your Adventure Highlights & Landmarks

Section 1 of Your Journey

Get Comfy & Plan Your Pathway

  • Fill out the 'before' questionnaire
  • Enjoy a playful nature reflection
  • Choose your desired outcomes 
  • Your Landmark: Take a green micro-break

Section 2

Enhance Your Nature Awareness

  • Notice & celebrate your current nature practice 
  • Explore your nature micro-break opportunities
  • Come to your senses!
  • Your Landmark: Fit more micro-breaks into your day

Section 3

Unearth Your Nature Preferences

  • Do a delightful sensory inventory
  • Learn from your responses
  • Try out a few daily nature rituals 
  • Your Landmark: Savour nature’s simple daily pleasures

Section 4

Amplify Joy & Wonder

  • Notice your reactions to connecting with nearby nature 
  • Learn the science & art of cultivating joy, gratitude, wonder & awe with nearby nature
  • Your Landmark: Revel in uplifting emotions inspired by nature

Section 5

Choose Your Daily Nature Ritual

  • Listen for nature’s sounds
  • Choose a daily nature ritual  
  • Use the science of building habits to bring your ritual to life 
  • Your Landmark: Do your chosen ritual briefly each day

Section 6

Sustain & Grow Your Practice

  • Cultivate playfulness as you expand your practice with touch, scent and taste
  • Select strategies to sustain your practice 
  • Review concepts, goals & benefits 
  • Your Landmark: Implement strategies to sustain your practice

Section 7

Deepen Your Restoration

  • Include nature in more of your daily activities 
  • Develop a strategy for taking immersive nature breaks 
  • Your Landmark: Take local nature immersion breaks of 20+ minutes

Finish Up & Celebrate!

  • Fill out the ‘after’ questionnaire & celebrate how far you've come!
  • Download your completion certificate
  • Dive into resources for taking next steps 
  • Your Landmark: Continue to enjoy the well-being benefits of your new habit!

I Created & Curated These Elements For You:

Experiential Activities for you to implement quickly & easily 

Supportive Research so you know your practice is evidence-informed

Enlightening Questionnaires to individualize your practice

Real-life Stories from me & from past program participants

Descriptive Photos, Videos & Graphics to bring info alive

Moving Poetry & Quotes to speak to your heart

Captivating Picture Books to spark childlike curiosity & wonder

Reflective Playsheets to remind you of the activities & capture your insights 

Links to Additional Resources to dive deeper when you wish

This isn't a Frivolous Frill!

Your nature practice is a simple, everyday indulgence that you deserve and that serves others.

By prioritizing your own well-being with a daily nature practice, you become more present and attentive in your professional and caregiving roles. 

Your own self-care is not only essential, it's also a gift that will enhance your ability to care for the health of people and planet.

With A Daily Nature Practice, You'll Be Able To:

  • Relax & restore your energy
  • Enjoy the simple pleasures of daily life
  • Experience a deeper connection with nature & with yourself
  • Feel motivated to look after yourself because your self-care practice is enjoyable
  • Manage stress & reduce the likelihood of burnout 
  • Improve your mental well-being & regulate your emotions
  • Feel part of the living world you inhabit
  • Connect with nearby nature for restoration whenever you need or want to.

Currently closed for enrollment, but join the waitlist and get a discount when enrollment reopens in fall 2024.

You'll be able to enroll in USD or CAD

If you're new to my email list, I'll send you a welcome email. It includes a printable poster with ways to take brief nature breaks. Plus you'll get my sporadic emails about ways to thrive with nature.

Lindsay Hooton
Recreation Therapist, Coquitlam, British Columbia

“I just realized the other day when I was out for a walk, that prior to this course, if I was out walking, I’d be lost in thought. I could walk for an hour and not really observe my surroundings in any detail as I’d be thinking, planning etc. 

Now, when I’m outside for a walk, getting fresh air, I’m actually 'lost in nature.' 

I’m slowing down on these walks, and feel rejuvenated, refreshed, more connected to my world and surroundings. It makes me laugh a bit. I feel like I have a new set of eyes and ears now! ”

You might be thinking:
‘I already notice nearby nature.
Why Would I Want To Take An Online Program?’
Carol Shoji
British Columbia, Canada

"My awareness and appreciation of nature is really expanding. So very inspiring! So many simple things we can do that can bring so much joy! "

Janay Babuin Funk
Recreation Therapist, BC, Canada

"It was amazing! I found that since I have done the course, I really notice nature in a different way, a deeper and more meaningful way. 

I really feel a difference in my body…. I find when my stress is so high, I notice nature more. It is truly grounding me right now.

But, But... But...
  • I'm too busy. I don't have time to do the program
    It's when I was too busy that I most needed nature breaks, even short ones. Those breaks gave me more energy, concentration and perspective, not to mention relief! You can choose the 'Breeze Through' option to get started right away on noticing nature to enjoy the calming and energizing benefits. You can also do the program slowly over several months with the weekly emails that give you one activity to grab and go each week.
  • I don't want to spend more time on the computer
    I'm with you! That's why I provide a 'playsheet' for each module. Print it off and take it outside with you, or wherever you choose. The playsheet includes key points, activities, inspiring quotes and self-reflection questions.

    You can also choose between reading text portions of the program, or listening to me speak to you while you wash dishes, fold laundry, or better yet, look out the window!
  • I live in a dense urban area without nearby nature to enjoy
    In the program you'll discover creative ways to notice nearby nature that you may not have been aware of before. You'll also find simple ways to add more nature content to your everyday life, where you live, work and play.
  • I've got another question
    Email me at Shelagh@ThriveWithNature.com with any other questions you have about the program. I usually respond within 24 hours, unless I'm camping out of cell range for a few days.
Debbie Boef

Instructor of Recreation Therapist Assistants, Okanagan College, Kelowna, BC

"This course is truly fantastic! I was in a sad place when I first started and getting out in Nature and seeing life in a different perspective has really lightened my being. I truly believe this course came along at the right time."

What's included:

7 modules to guide you on your playful, evidence-based nature adventure 

Questionnaires to individualize your daily nature practice 

Stories from me and past participants 

30+ weekly emails, each with a simple activity to grab and go 

Creative content, playsheets, & links to more resources 


Ready to let nearby nature restore you?


Contact information

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


I'll send you my Thrive With Nature emails too!

  • Total payment
  • 1xWaitlist for A Daily Nature Practice: Restorative Self-Care for Healthcare Professionals & Caregivers$0

All prices in USD
